Details on assassination attempt on PM Olmert by Jericho Fatah-Tanzim terror cell disclosed

Details on assassination attempt on PM Olmert by Jericho Fatah-Tanzim terror cell disclosed

    At the end of June 2007, the Israel Security Agency conveyed to the Palestinians the names of the members of a terrorist squad who were planning to attack Israeli PM Olmert.

    At the end of June 2007, the Israel Security Agency conveyed to the Palestinians the names of the members of a terrorist squad who were planning to attack Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The attack was to be carried out at a meeting with PA Chairman Abu Mazen scheduled for the end of June in Jericho. That meeting was not held, but as a result of the information reinforced security measures were in place for the prime minister and his entourage during his August 6 visit to Jericho.

    Following the information given to the Palestinian security forces by Israel , they detained three terrorist operatives. Two of the three were members of Fatah-Tanzim.

    Israel Foreign Ministry Spokesman Mark Regev:

    At the weekly Cabinet meeting on Sunday (21 October), the head of Israel's security services briefed the Cabinet as to a cell in Jericho made up of Fatah-Tanzim members that were planning to assassinate the Prime Minister on one of his visits there.

    Now obviously we relayed information about this cell to Palestinian security and these people were arrested. Three of them were arrested on the Palestinian side, and two were arrested by Israel. However, we received information that a few weeks ago these people were let out of jail even though they did admit that they were involved in such a cell and they had such a plan.

    We have raised with the Palestinian leadership on a number of occasions this issue of what we call the 'revolving door' - the rash release of suspected terrorists by Palestinian security forces. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni has raised this with her American interlocutors as well as her Palestinian interlocutors.

    We all have to remember that there is a gap between the professed public desire of the Palestinian political leadership to move forward in a process of reconciliation, and between their
    capabilities on the ground. To ignore that gap, between desire to move forward and capabilities to implement, is to ignore reality. And no one who wants to see this peace process succeed can build a peace process through ignoring reality.